Monday, January 2, 2012

the question blog! my friends asked me these! xD

Time started:10:37
Siblings:Maya(a 5 year old girl in kindergarten)
Eye color:green/gray/blue(they change)
Shoe size:7
What are you wearing:blue pajamas that have princess kittens on them
Where do you live:STALKER!!!!!!
Righty or lefty:right
Can you make a dollar in change right now:no
Who are your closest friends:Amanda, Spencer, Jumoke, and Bailey
Best place for a date? SIX FLAGS MAGIC MOUNTAIN!!!(i have a season pass!)
Where is your favorite place to shop:the mall(and online)
Favorite kind of plant:orchid
Favorite Color:hot pink and lime green
Favorite Number:16
Favorite Boys Name:Spencer
Favorite Girls Name:Hailey
Favorite Sport:football(and reading fan fiction[is that a sport])
Favorite Month:June<3 (Summer!!!!)
Movies:Beetle Juice, Princess Mononoke, Princess Naussica of the Valley of the Wind, Spirited Away, My Neighbor Totoro, anything by Hayao Miyazaki, etc
Juice:Apple or those Korean sodas you can get at whole market 
Breakfast food:cinnamon roll 
Favorite cartoon character:Ciel P. or Sebastian M.
Given anyone a bath:my sister
Smoked:weed and cigarettes(sadly, but only once!)
Made yourself throw-up:only when i was sick and needed to throw up
Gone skinny dipping: yes, in the ocean(when i didnt have boobs[lmfao])
Eaten a dog: no!
Put your tongue on a frozen pole?: sadly 
Loved someone so much it made you cry?:yes!
Broken a bone?:my ankle, by jumping off a roof
Played truth or dare:yea
Been in a physical fight:yea
Been in a police car:yea
Been on a plane:yea
Come close to dying:yes! my dad saved me*love you!*
Been in a sauna:no
Been in a hot tub:yea
Cried when someone died:yea
Cried in school:many times(including at the winter dance)
Fell off your chair:yes! xD
Wait for someone's phone call all night:yes!
Fallen for one of your best friends:yea!(Spencer and Victoria)
Made out with JUST a friend?:yes
Used someone:no
What is...
Whats your good luck charm? nothing
Best song you ever heard:Just Havent Met You Yet by Micheal Buble'
What's your bedroom like:a tornado(a trash in the corner, behind and underneath my bed, clothes and toys ALL OVER teh place!) 
Last thing you said:STFU! I'M LISTENING TO LADY GAGA!!!!!
What is beside you? 1)a cell phone 2)cups and trash 3)computer shit
Last thing you ate?:a pill(because im sick)
What kind of shampoo do you use?:yummy smellin kind bitch!
Best thing that has happened to you this year:went to the mall with kaila(its only the second day of the year)
Worst thing that has happened to you this year:im still sick... -_-" 
Have you had...
Chicken pox:no
Sore Throat:yes!(right now)
Broken nose:no

Do You.
Believe in love at first sight:sadly yes
Like school:yea
What schools have you gone to:Canyon Springs Elementary, Leona Cox Elementary, La Mesa Jr High, Placerita Jr High
Eat a live hamster for $1,000,000. dollars:no!
If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want there with you?Everyone who loved me
Who was the last person that called you:Daddy
Who was the last person you slow danced with:John Micheal
What makes you laugh the most?:SebbyxGrell
What makes you smile?my friends and family

Last Person..
You yelled at:my self
Who broke your heart:Desi
Told you that they love you:Cameron
Is your loudest friend:John Micheal

Do you/Are You:
Do you like filling these out?sure
Do you wear contacts or glasses:both
Do you like yourself:not all that much
Do you get along with your family:somewhat
Stolen anything over $50:no bitch

Anorexic?:for 1 day
Suicidal?yes, many times
Final questions
What are you listening to right now?: Electric Chapel by Lady Gaga
What did you do yesterday:went to the mall with Kaila
Have you hated someone in your family:nope
Got any awards: 30 Tae Kwon Do awards and 13 academic awards
What car do you wish to have:a hot pink sports car(like Barbie!)
Where do you want to get married:in my home town in my back yard(like my mommy!)
If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?:the dark circles underneath my eyes
Good driver:not in video games(idk)
Good Singer:idk(am i?)
Have a lava lamp:no(psh! i wish!)
How many remote controls are in your house: 8
Are you double jointed:no idea
What do you dream about: too many crazy dreams too little time
Last time you showered:last night
Last time you took a bath:2 days ago
Scary or happy movies:both!
Chocolate or white chocolate:white chocolate
Root Beer or Dr.Pepper:dr pepper

and thats it! lmfao! u now know alot about me! anyways, hows it going?! im sick, it sux!!!!!! Dx good bye<3

and here is an epic Vocaloid pic for you: 


  1. Rin: Ashilyn
    Kaito: Spencer
    Gumi: Shona
    Meiko: Jumoke
    Miku: Gracie
    Luka: Amanda
    Gakupo: Cameron
    Kumi: Victoria
    Len: Cody

  2. Check out my fiction-romance blog! I just did a super awesome music quiz/test/epic/fortune telling thing, you should totally try it, its amazing~!!!:DD
