Sunday, May 13, 2012

End of Year!!!

Okay, it's been a while since I've updated so I have alot of things to talk about...
Well, Tuesday(5/1)~ my mom said, "Shona, you haven't been sick in forever!" Next thing I know I'm sick for over a week...thanks mom... Wednesday(5/9)~ Kissed Sal for the first time<3 Thursday(5/10)~ I went to the school dance with my amazing boy friend, we made out, and then I went to a family dinner party. Friday(5/11)~ Rode our bikes to the mall, parents let me have a boy friend, phew! Saturday(5/12)~ Went to Six Flags with Sal, Deagan, and Sal's little sister: Jessica. went to Brayden's 16th birthday party at New Moon. Sunday(5/13)~ went on long ass bike watching youtube vids...

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