Friday, April 6, 2012

Mrs.Kennedy, you will be forever in our hearts

Today was...eventful...I woke up, it was a normal day, pen pals not replying and mom telling me to wash the dishes... I later went with my dad to Six Flags: Magic Mountain being oblivious to any and all information about Mrs.Kennedy. I went to the neighbor's house for afternoon tea(New Zealanders' dinner/supper) and soon received a call from a friend saying that our Placerita Junior High Drama Club teacher had passed away, I cried in front of all of my friends and soon ran to my house, next door, I sobbed in my dad's chest and was soon at the neighbor's again, but was filled with grief and numbness, well, I'm sleeping now and will keep her forever in my heart(I cannot pray for her for I am atheist) good night everyone, hope you do no have sorrow in your dreams...<3 

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