Friday, March 23, 2012

My Awesome New Stories!

I'm writing a horror/mystery/romance story called Yes Sempai, My Love, it's about a 15 year old girl named Miza who's wealthy parents left her all that they had when they died mysteriously during a storm only a couple feet from her door step. Miza is put through a struggle to choose between true love and the truth behind her parents mysterious death. here's the link to my profile(on that has the first and second chapters on it [more chapters coming soon])

I'm also writing a steampunk/romance story called Steampunk Sewers, it's about a young girl, named Electric, and her brother, Zach, that have grown up in the sewers didn't ever know what was going on up above them, they find a mysterious blind girl, called Nara, and everything changes... (also on my profile)

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